Progressive Death Metal that will have you soaring throught the Cosmos!

I took one good look at this album as it appeared in my recommended page on Spotify and I instantly knew I would like it. I mean, just look at it: Beautiful, trippy cover art, abstract song titles, a band name referencing greco-roman mythology, songs long enough for you to eat an entire pie and still have time for tea before it’s over, short interludes between every “regular song” etc etc. Honored guest, I believe we have some PDMCBWLCAS on our hands (Progressive Death Metal Combining Brutality With Long Calm Acoustic Segments), my favorite genre.

You take one look at this tracklist and you'll know instantly 
that you're in for a roller coaster of an album

When first giving the album a spin I certainly got some very strong vibes reminiscent of other PDMCBWLCAS bands like Ne Obliviscaris, Xanthocroid and the Omega Arcane album by Shade Empire (Dan Presland of Ne obliviscaris fame even performed the drumming for this album!) With that said it certainly has its own Identity, especially in regards to it’s more “space-like” atmosphere (fitting considering the album title am I right?) The lengthy acoustic segments gently sweep you away through a cosmic landscape while the more death metaly parts combine heavy distortion with open chords. Still maintaining that spacey feel while also keeping it grounded with a more recognizable melo-death sound. All the songs transition into each other smoothly making the entire album sound like one very lengthy song. This means it’s extra important to listen to the whole thing in one sitting.

As is the case with most PDMCBWLCAS bands, the clean acusting sections tended to be the parts I was most drawn to (it’s certainly the segments that’s been stuck in my head the most the last couple of days). However these segments are best experienced as a contrast to the more brutal parts, as they both compliment each other quite well.

If I were to describe this album in a different way I suppose it would be: imagine if some Alcest and Agalloch fans attempted to write some conventional melodeath but just couldn’t keep themselves from using their acoustic guitars and clean channel for more than 5 minutes. I suppose your typical obnoxious metal purist would mean that as an insult but from someone like me (someone with actual taste) it’s among the highest praise you can get. If you consider any of the bands mentioned in this review among your favorites I strongly recommend this album!


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