
Persona 3: a whole greater than the sum of its parts

Nervously I clenched my playstation controller as I fought the final boss at the top of Tartarus, the midnight domain, which I had vigorously traversed through over the course of 80 hours. Any mistake could mean the death of my character and me having to restart this arduous fight all over again. A fact I knew all too well after dying to the very same boss the day before, after an hour of fighting, causing me to almost give up on the game entirely. But I persevered, as I couldn’t give up after coming this far, and I challenged the boss for a second time. Their health was approaching zero. Only a few more successful hits and I would be victorious. Finally the boss committed to their infamous “Night Queen”-attack, which had spelled my demise during my last attempt. However this time I came prepared and I managed to withstand the attack and the subsequent status conditions it brought forth. This was my chance. I committed my entire party to an all out offensive despite the fact that every...

Morrowind review - Fourth Time's the Charm I guess

  I have a long and complex history with the third entry of The Elder Scrolls Series, Morrowind. I actually first heard of the game after having played the fourth entry of the series, Oblivion, which at the time was the most complex game I had ever played. Though a quick glance at the internet forums of the time revealed that a large part of the Elder Scrolls fanbase thought the game was rather underwhelming compared to it’s much deeper and complex predecessor Morrowind. As a naive 13 year old who defined his entire personality based on his interests I took this critique quite personally and decided not to play Morrowind out of spite. Although I remember looking up videos of Morrowid online just to see what the fuss was about and I remember pretty much falling to the floor with laughter looking at the outdated graphics and animations. “So THIS is the supposed superior Elder Scrolls game?” I thought. “Oblivion isn’t perfect but at least the combat doesn’t consist of 2 opposing char...

Progressive Death Metal that will have you soaring throught the Cosmos!

I took one good look at this album as it appeared in my recommended page on Spotify and I instantly knew I would like it. I mean, just look at it: Beautiful, trippy cover art, abstract song titles, a band name referencing greco-roman mythology, songs long enough for you to eat an entire pie and still have time for tea before it’s over, short interludes between every “regular song” etc etc. Honored guest, I believe we have some PDMCBWLCAS on our hands ( P rogressive D eath M etal C ombining B rutality W ith L ong C alm A coustic S egments), my favorite genre. You take one look at this tracklist and you'll know instantly  that you're in for a roller coaster of an album When first giving the album a spin I certainly got some very strong vibes reminiscent of other PDMCBWLCAS bands like Ne Obliviscaris, Xanthocroid and the Omega Arcane album by Shade Empire (Dan Presland of Ne obliviscaris fame even performed the drumming for this album!) With that said it certainly has its own Iden...

"Hey I'll let you choose a song this time" -some acquaintance who's about to regret their words

Growing up as an awkward metalhead didn't exactly make me popular at school. Everyone else would blast their mind numbingly dull pop music on their phones in near deafening volumes but if they even heard a whispering fragment of my music they would instantly roar at me with vigorous fury demanding me to “TURN OFF THAT FUCKING SHIT!” Needless to say this didn’t exactly improve my non-existent confidence and it even affects me to this day. Occasionally people will give me the task of selecting music during social gatherings in which my reply is usually a deer-in-headlight stare accompanied by a short circuit in the brain department. They want me to choose the music? Are they sure? Are they expecting me to pick something suitable for the occasion or do they want something that represents my taste? Will they be open minded if I decide to play something unorthodox or will they tell me to “SILENCE THAT FORNICATING EXCREMENT!” like people used to do back in my teenage years?  Besides, wha...

"All you do is kill stuff". An observation regarding difficulty in games.

Lately my girlfriend and I have started a bit of a cultural exchange regarding the games we love. Naturally this meant I would show her Dark souls, one of my absolute favorite games. Ash Lake still sends shivers down my spine She, just like many other people in the gaming world, was slightly curious about this game that every nerd in existence has been raving about for the last decade but she also knew that she probably wouldn’t have the patience to beat it. A fair assessment considering her dislike of repetition in games. No worries, I thought. If she watches me play while I comment on every detail of the game then surely she’ll recognize the greatness Dark Souls has to offer. However, a few hours into the playthrough she said: “You know, I can tell this game is really well made and all, but all you seem to be doing is going around killing stuff”.  Like a pretentious turtleneck wearing hipster my initial reaction in my head was: “Just going around killing stuff? Can’t you see that...

Sekiro review. Also first post I guess

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, developed by my favorite studio From Software, has been out for over a year at the time of writing this review yet I did not complete it until very recently, despite the fact that I got it on the day of release. While I could tell straight away that this was a quality title with excellent attention to detail I actually gave up on the game several times, believing this wasn’t a game for me (or even worse, that I had lost my passion for gaming completely). However passive exposure to the game over the months made me eager to play again. This is very similar to the experience I had playing Dark Souls for the first time (the first From Software game I ever played). For any souls fans out there, you know what I’m talking about. Once I finally beat the game the feeling of euphoria rushed through my veins which motivated me to write this review, the first review I’ve ever written. I could gush on forever regarding every little detail of this game but in order for th...