"Hey I'll let you choose a song this time" -some acquaintance who's about to regret their words
Growing up as an awkward metalhead didn't exactly make me popular at school. Everyone else would blast their mind numbingly dull pop music on their phones in near deafening volumes but if they even heard a whispering fragment of my music they would instantly roar at me with vigorous fury demanding me to “TURN OFF THAT FUCKING SHIT!” Needless to say this didn’t exactly improve my non-existent confidence and it even affects me to this day. Occasionally people will give me the task of selecting music during social gatherings in which my reply is usually a deer-in-headlight stare accompanied by a short circuit in the brain department. They want me to choose the music? Are they sure? Are they expecting me to pick something suitable for the occasion or do they want something that represents my taste? Will they be open minded if I decide to play something unorthodox or will they tell me to “SILENCE THAT FORNICATING EXCREMENT!” like people used to do back in my teenage years? Besides, wha...